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Company Job Title Description Wage Schedule Hours/week Shift Employment Type Start Date Est. End Date Placement Manager Open?
Recharge Station Kiosk Attendant Serve coffee, snacks, and maintain cleanliness of Kiosk 16.50 Mon-Fri 11am-1pm 10.00 Afternoon Transitional 12-24-2024 06-27-2025 Maxx, Emil, Cormac and Eugenia No
St. Luke's Lutheran Church Prep Cook Prepare food for weekly soup kitchen. 25.00 Thursdays, 10am-3pm 5.00 Afternoon Transitional 01-16-2025 07-17-2025 Research (Ciara & Natalie) No
St. Luke's Lutheran Church Dishwasher Wash dishes. 20.00 Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am-3pm 8.00 Afternoon Transitional 01-07-2025 07-11-2025 Research (Ciara & Natalie) No
Warner Music Group Women's Bathroom Attendant Clean and maintain women's rooms on multiple floors. 16.50 M-F 2 pm - 5 pm 15.00 Morning Transitional 09-16-2024 03-14-2025 H&G (Cheryl and Ana) No
Warner Music Group Stock Clerk Stock and maintain kitchenettes with coffee supplies. 16.50 M - F, 9 - 12 pm 16.00 Afternoon Transitional 07-15-2024 01-17-2025 H&G (Cheryl and Ana) No