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Company Job Title Description Wage Schedule Hours/week Shift Employment Type Start Date Est. End Date Placement Manager Open?
Rapid Delivery Services Outdoor Messenger Deliver packages throughout NYC 16.00 Schedule and hours vary, start date TBD 30.00 Morning Supported 03-30-2018 03-30-2018 Marlene (ERC) Yes
Bee Well MPC Group Facilitator Facilitating a group at the Manhattan Psychiatric Center 18.00 Thurs 9-11 2.00 Morning Transitional 08-08-2024 08-08-2024 Innovation (Mikey and Maxx) Yes
City Beet Kitchens Server Serve lunch at a residential facility 18.37 M-F, 11:30am-2:30pm 15.00 Afternoon Transitional 08-01-2024 01-31-2025 Edward, Danielle, Jamel, Maya (Wellness) Yes
St. Luke's Lutheran Church Prep Cook Prepare food for weekly soup kitchen. 25.00 Thursdays, 10am-3pm 5.00 Afternoon Transitional 05-23-2024 07-18-2024 Research (Shanelle, Ciara, Kweku, Natalie) Yes