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Company Job Title Description Wage Schedule Hours/week Shift Employment Type Start Date Est. End Date Placement Manager Open?
Bee Well MPC Group Facilitator Facilitating a group at the Manhattan Psychiatric Center 18.00 Thurs 9-11 2.00 Morning Transitional 08-08-2024 08-08-2024 Innovation (Mikey and Maxx) Yes
City Beet Kitchens Server Serve lunch at a residential facility 18.37 M-F, 11:30am-2:30pm 15.00 Afternoon Transitional 08-01-2024 01-31-2025 Edward, Danielle, Jamel, Maya (Wellness) Yes
Rapid Delivery Services Outdoor Messenger Deliver packages throughout NYC 16.00 Schedule and hours vary, start date TBD 30.00 Morning Supported 03-30-2018 03-30-2018 Marlene (ERC) Yes
St. Luke's Lutheran Church Prep Cook Prepare food for weekly soup kitchen. 25.00 Thursdays, 10am-3pm 5.00 Afternoon Transitional 05-23-2024 07-18-2024 Research (Shanelle, Ciara, Kweku, Natalie) Yes