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Supported Employment

SE is a job placement without time-limits. It is generally part-time work. Often the employer has a relationship with Fountain House. Most SEs require a resume and interview. You can receive help with a resume, cover letter and interview prep from the FH Employment Resource Center.
Company Job Title Description Wage Schedule Hours/week Shift Start Date Est. End Date Placement Manager Open?
Bee Well Warm Line Operator Manage warm line calls. Speak with members of FH who call into line and support them as necessary. 18.00 Wed 4am-9am; Thurs 12am-4am; 9.00 Overnight 11-02-2024 11-02-2025 Mike Brown No
Bee Well Warm Line Operator Manage warm line calls. Speak with members of FH who call into line and support them as necessary. 18.00 Tues, Wed 12am-4am; Sat 12pm-5pm 13.00 Overnight 02-01-2025 02-01-2026 Mike Brown No
Bee Well Warm Line Operator Manage warm line calls. Speak with members of FH who call into line and support them as necessary. 18.00 Tues 4am-9am; Fri 9pm-12am; Sat, Sun 8pm-12am 16.00 Overnight 02-01-2024 02-03-2025 Mike Brown No
Bee Well Warm Line Operator Manage warm line calls. Speak with members of FH who call into line and support them as necessary. 18.00 Thurs 5pm-9pm; Sat 12am-4am; Sat 5pm-10pm; Sun 12pm-5pm 18.00 Overnight 05-15-2024 05-15-2025 Mike Brown No